Who We Are
The International Black Women’s Congress (IBWC), founded in 1983, is an international, non-profit networking organization. We seek to build bridges uniting women of African descent. IBWC is concerned with the growing poverty and negative stereotypes of Black women in the 21st century. It is obvious that Black women must define themselves from their own perspectives. The International Black Women’s Congress believes that we must build an African centered view of womanhood–a model that speaks to the multifaceted roles that Black women continue to play. We hold yearly national conferences on critical issues impacting women of African ancestry and develop local programs with members in thirty-five states.
IBWC is a global movement, comprised of women of African descent from all walks of life all around the world.
Our Mission
Empower Women. We pledge to be models of what African womanhood should be: strong, relentless, caring, concerned, clear-minded, brilliant, powerful and loving. Let us be guardians of each other’s pledge.
Our Vision
To Make Change& Build on History
Let us uphold people, bring forth a new time, shape our own history and work without pause until the very cosmos finds itself at end. Let our voices, now and forevermore be heard.